
Jeb Bush Invokes Mitt “Free Stuff” Romney

Jeb! spoke at an event in South Carolina last night where a member of the audience asked him how he intends to attract black voters.

Jeb! responded with a basic, boiler-plate spiel about a rising tide lifting all boats, but he also borrowed an unfortunate line from Mitt Romney.

"Look around this room," a man told Bush, who spoke to a mostly white crowd. "How many black faces do you see? How are you going to include them and get them to vote for you?" asked the man, who was white. [...]

"Our message is one of hope and aspiration," he said at the East Cooper Republican Women’s Club annual Shrimp Dinner. "It isn't one of division and get in line and we'll take care of you with free stuff. Our message is one that is uplifting -- that says you can achieve earned success."

The obvious implication is that Democrats attract black voters by promising them "free stuff." It couldn't be because Democrats respect and support the multicultural society Jeb Bush and his fellow Republicans loathe. No, it's because they dish out "free stuff."

As you probably recall, Mitt Romney made a similar assertion in front of the NAACP in 2012. I suppose you could say it was wiser for Jeb Bush to say it front of friendly, white crowd.

It's really quite amazing to see Jeb! forcefully denounce multiculturalism and within the next 24 hours claim he does not support politics of division. The Republican ticket of 2016 is shaping up to be the most divisive ticket ever which may or may not feature a nominee who is calling for building giant wall on our southern border.

Jeb Bush is emerging as a man with all the weaknesses and likeness of George W. Bush and Mitt Romney but none of the strengths.