Open Thread

Large Bills Only

Written by SK Ashby

(Cartoonist - Bruce Plante)

In other news, Speaker of the House John Beohner says he hopes there is no Iran deal. I guess that means he also hopes they continue their nuclear program with no constraints.

Meanwhile, it appears the federal judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia are not impressed by the lawsuit against the EPA that is being spearheaded by Murray Energy and documented piece of shit Bob Murray.

“Do you know of any case when we have stopped rule-making? Why would we do that?” Judge Thomas Griffith asked Elbert Lin, an attorney for West Virginia, at the outset of the proceedings. [...]

Justice Griffith was skeptical that the petitioners could accurately predict what the EPA rule will look like. “Is your argument that the comment period is a complete sham?” Griffith asked.

Pile of dung Bob Murray fired 214 workers this week over the EPA rules that haven't actually been announced or implemented yet.

Programming note: I'm signing off early today because I'm dealing with major allergy problems. If you need me I'll probably be asleep somewhere.

Have a good weekend.