
McConnell Supports Insolvency

Posted by JM Ashby

Mitch McConnell, who is an expert at covering his own ass, pledged today that no Republicans in the senate will vote for raising the legal debt ceiling unless other draconian budget cuts are included in an obvious ploy to shield himself and fellow Kentuckian Rand Paul from Teabagger criticism. Never mind that this means playing games with the nation's financial obligations.

McConnell knows that Harry Reid doesn't need him though, so this is just political asshattery.

"I don't intend to support raising the debt ceiling and I don't believe any Senate Republicans do, unless we do something important related to spending and debt," he told Fox News' Chris Wallace.

"I think the administration understands that, that we're just not going to bring up the debt ceiling and everybody say all right," he added. "It's going to have to carry something with it that the markets, foreign countries, the American people believe is a credible effort to begin to get a handle on spending and debt." [...]

"My prediction is not a single one of the 47 Republicans will vote to raise the debt ceiling unless it includes with it some credible effort to do something about our debt. Now, the House is another matter. I'm just predicting that the Senate Republican votes. I don't believe Senate Republicans are going to vote to raise the debt ceiling," he said.

Dear Mitch McConnell -- The markets, foreign countries, and the overwhelming majority of Americans do not give a crap what our debt is right now. The markets want to be told we're going to raise the ceiling on time to keep credit flowing. Foreign countries want to know that we're going to pay them. And the American people want jobs.