Civil liberties

More Fakery

The Human Rights Campaign has wheeled more audition tapes further proving that actors were used to portray "real people" in that new and awful anti-same-sex marriage commercial.

By the way, contrary to what Lee posted earlier, I don't think it's particularly effective propaganda. The talking points in the spot hardly seem like they're related to same-sex marriage. How would a (fake) doctor be unable to practice medicine if gay people are allowed to marry?

Of course those of us following this battle might be able to connect the dots in the spot's fractured logic, but what casual viewer is going to make the connection between gays marrying and "freedom taken away" -- I mean, other than a viewer who was predisposed to this sort of backwards thinking in the first place?

I seriously doubt this spot is going to convince anyone of anything other than how a 95 percent majority can so easily play the victim when confronted by equal rights for a 5 percent minority.