Foreign Policy Iraq Syria

No Room To Talk

Are you sitting down?

If not, you may want to before reading this.

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who ushered the U.S. into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003, said the Obama administration has not clearly justified an attack on Syria.

“One thing that is very interesting, it seems to me, is that there really hasn’t been any indication from the administration as to what our national interest is with respect to this particular situation,” Rumsfeld said in an interview with Fox News’s Neil Cavuto.

You may actually agree with him, but whether you agree or not, I believe Donald “Known Unknowns” Rumsfeld is one of the last people on the planet who should be critiquing the administration in this instance.

In case you forgot, Rumsfeld resigned in disgrace in 2006.
