
Oh Those Screwy Republicans

Sargent makes with the poll numbers on this ridiculous "Obama's Katrina" meme:

Fox polls "Obama's Katrina," gets wrong answer: Despite the right's ongoing attacks, the new Fox poll finds that 50% approve of "how the Obama administration is dealing with the oil spill in the gulf coast." Only 29% disapprove.

Fifty-two percent of independents approve. Only Republicans don't like his handling of the spill, with 31% approving.

The serious question here is why don't Republicans approve? I mean, until now, they've freaked out whenever the president did something. And now they're freaking out because, in their misinformed world, the president didn't do something. What do they want?

Normally, they don't want the president and his so-called big government OLIGARHs interfering with freedom, liberty, the free market and state sovereignty. So you would think that by not interfering in the Gulf, the Republicans would approve of the president's reaction to the oil crisis. Let the states and the free market handle it. Instead, they appear to be saying: why didn't the president and the federal government mobilize to, 1) bailout a private company, and 2) help the environment. Sounds like a weird position for Republicans. But this is exactly what these poll numbers imply.

Not that Republicans care about looking contradictory anymore. It's just full steam ahead on "HELL NO!" regardless of how silly they look.