
Oooh! They Really Hate Nancy Pelosi! GRRR!

Gallup is ballyhooing the results of its latest poll in which Speaker Pelosi's approval rating has dropped to an all time low of 29 percent.

I still don't grasp all of the inchoate hatred for Pelosi. If you were to ask any random wingnut what, specifically, they dislike about Pelosi, I'm fairly certain they would respond with either "I hate her scary face" or "she has San Francisco values" (which in wingnut speak means "gay values").

But do people seriously know anything about the speaker's positions or things she's said? I find that really hard to believe. I mean, she's barely in the news. Nevertheless, the Republicans have trotted out this "Reid, Pelosi, Obama are [insert variation of "communist" here]" meme despite the fact that very few voters have any clue what Reid and Pelosi are all about.

So, you know, what the hell?