Election 2016 Ethics

Report: Trump Wants to Purge the Government, Let Corporate Executives Run It

Written by SK Ashby

Trump campaign surrogate, noted McDonald's fetcher, and White House transition team leader Chris Christie says Donald Trump might purge the federal government of liberals if he becomes president.

Doing so would require an act of Congress, but Christie says Trump would ask for exactly that.

“As you know from his other career, Donald likes to fire people,” Christie told a closed-door meeting with dozens of donors at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, according to an audio recording obtained by Reuters and two participants in the meeting. [...]

Christie also told the gathering that changing the leadership of the Environmental Protection Agency, long a target of Republicans concerned about over regulation, would be a top priority for Trump should he win in November.

Christie added that the Trump team wants to let businesspeople serve in government part time without having to give up their jobs in the private sector. Trump frequently says he is better equipped to be president because of his business experience.

The idea of purging ideological dissent from every level of government is concerning enough, but that last bit is pure insanity.

If you're someone who believes corporations and lobbyists have too much influence on the government, just wait until lobbyists and corporate executives literally run the government and their businesses at the same time under President Trump.

The idea is so ethically absurd I can't even say it with a straight face, and yet I have no doubt this would be one of Trump's goals. Donald Trump has no ethics and neither would his government. Trump would purge the government of dissent and control business and labor by appointing corporate businessmen to positions where they can control employment and the laws regulating employment.

Are you getting the picture?

If there are any liberal holdouts who still believe Donald Trump would be tougher on corporations and Wall Street than Hillary Clinton, you're out of your fucking minds. Donald Trump has all the makings of a fascist.