
Speaker Ryan Plans to Destroy Medicaid and Medicare Under Trump

Written by SK Ashby

This isn't a surprise, but Speaker Paul Ryan has made it very clear what his goal will be if Donald Trump is elected president.

Ryan says he will use budget reconciliation -- a process that requires only a simple majority -- to jam through his Path to Poverty budget that he's been sitting on for nearly six years.

“This is our plan for 2017,” Ryan said, waving a copy of his “Better Way” policy agenda. “Much of this you can do through budget reconciliation.” He explained that key pieces are “fiscal in nature,” meaning they can be moved quickly through a budget maneuver that requires a simple majority in the Senate and House. “This is our game plan for 2017,” Ryan said again to the seemingly unconvinced press.

If Ryan has his way, Obamacare will be repealed. Medicaid expansion will be eliminated and Medicaid itself will be converted into a block-grant system. Medicare will be converted into a privatized coupon system that forces seniors to purchase private insurance plans. Taxes will be cut for the richest of rich Americans. Social assistance programs like food stamps will be cut to the bone. And that's only the beginning.

Speaker Ryan wants to jam through every Randian, supply-side fantasy he has ever dreamed of and that's before they move on to codifying discrimination and banning abortion.

Anyone who thinks withstanding four years of Trump would be no big deal needs to remove their head from their ass and vote for Hillary Clinton and your local Democratic congressional candidates in November.

This is a good reminder that Paul Ryan does not care who Trump insults or offends and degrades. Ryan does not care what Trump says about women or immigrants or minorities. Ryan only cares if Trump will sign his budget into law.