
States File Another Lawsuit in Texas Against the Obama Admin

Written by SK Ashby

A large group of states led by none other than Texas attorney general and smirking schmuck Ken Paxton have filed yet another lawsuit in the state of Texas challenging the Obama administration's authority.

This new lawsuit seeks to block the administration from requiring overtime pay for millions of salaried employees.

Attorney General Ken Paxton on Tuesday led 21 states in suing the U.S. Labor Department over the new overtime rules in a federal district court in Texas. The Texas Association of Business, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business leaders filed a similar lawsuit later in the day.

The new regulations — which go into effect in December — raise the overtime eligibility threshold to $47,476 a year from $23,660 a year.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed lawsuits on behalf of other states challenging everything from refugee resettlement, to deferred action against immigrants, to civil rights for transgender children, and clean energy.

Texas is their jurisdiction of choice because they know they're more likely to find a judge who will rule in their favor in Texas. They're judge-shopping.

Given the amount of time Ken Paxton devotes to oppressing the people of his own state, I have no idea how he finds time to do any other job. Paxton is without a doubt the greatest enemy of Texans. It's not as if the Obama administration's new rules won't apply to workers in Texas. It will, but Ken Paxton would rather it didn't.

Paxton is against overtime pay for Texans. He's against civil rights for Texans. He'd also like to see fewer Texans voting.

Here's a regular reminder that Ken Paxton is facing civil and criminal charges for securities fraud.