National Security

Steve Bannon Dropped From the National Security Council, For Reasons

Written by SK Ashby

Chief strategist and sentient pile of cigarette butts Steve Bannon was dropped from the National Security Council this morning for an amazingly dubious reason.

Even if you buy this spin at face value, it implicates the entire White House.

A White House official said that Bannon was placed on the committee in part to monitor Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, and never attended a meeting. He’s no longer needed with McMaster in charge of the council, the official said.

If it's true, as the White House says, that Bannon was placed on the council to "monitor" Flynn, why the hell was Flynn appointed in the first place? Why was Flynn appointed to the most senior national security post in the country and granted the highest level of security clearance if they suspected he was dirty or simply needed to be watched.


It would be reasonable to assume this isn't the real reason Bannon was dropped from the council because the Trump White House almost never tells the truth, but if it's not true it's an awfully bizarre way to spin the situation. It would be admission that Trump knew Flynn was unreliable or compromised.

If this is spin, how bad must the truth be?