
Steve King: I Drank From The Toilet

Written by SK Ashby

Iowa congressman and man who can't forget what he buried in that cornfield, Steve King, has heard the reports that some immigrants being held in indefinite detention have been told to drink from toilets and he doesn't see what the big deal is because the water is actually great.

The controversial congressman raised eyebrows on Wednesday when he told constituents about his recent tour of a migrant detention facility where people in custody were allegedly told to drink from toilets. Months earlier, Democrats had cited those claims as evidence that detention centers were unsanitary and inhumane, but the Iowa Republican insisted on Wednesday that their concerns were overblown.

I took a drink out of there,” King told the small crowd that had gathered at his town hall in Eagle Grove, Iowa. The water was “actually pretty good,” he said, adding, “I smacked my lips.”

Nothing to add.