
The Insane Cost of Trump’s Child Separation Policy

Written by SK Ashby

Aside from the extraordinarily high human cost of treating children like vermin simply because they have brown skin, the Trump regime is also paying an extremely high financial cost for separating migrant children from the families.

According to NBC News, the cost of detaining children in one of Trump's camps has ballooned to $775 per day.

WASHINGTON — The cost of holding migrant children who have been separated from their parents in newly created "tent cities" is $775 per person per night, according to an official at the Department of Health and Human Services — far higher than the cost of keeping children with their parents in detention centers or holding them in more permanent buildings.

The reason for the high cost, the official and several former officials told NBC News, is that the sudden urgency to bring in security, air conditioning, medical workers and other government contractors far surpasses the cost for structures that are routinely staffed.

That's $23,250 per month for each child being held in one of Trump's camps.

In other words, we could set up entire families in luxury hotels for less money than we're paying to hold traumatized children in tents. We could make mortgage payments for immigrant families for less than $700 per month! We could set them up in apartments. We could do many things for far less money than the Trump regime is pissing away on racially-motivated cruelty.

It feels wrong to even consider the financial cost of this policy when the human cost is so high, but the financial cost is so bewildering, how could you not?

White Supremacy is very expensive.