The NRA’s Meltdown Continues

Written by SK Ashby

The National Rifle Associaton's (NRA) flagship television channel is dead, the lobby is operating in the red, their former president Oliver North is out, and now the association's top lobbyist is departing under shady circumstances.

The NRA's second-highest ranking officials and their top lobbyist for the past 17-years, Chris Cox, has been forced out by CEO Wayne LaPierre.

LaPierre accused Cox of orchestrating a coup against him.

The National Rifle Association’s embattled top lobbyist has resigned after being accused of seeking to overthrow the group’s leader, a person familiar with the matter said. [...]

The NRA filed an explosive lawsuit last week saying that Cox had betrayed the group’s longtime leader, Wayne LaPierre, by joining NRA President Oliver North in a coup attempt in April. That followed accusations of lavish spending against LaPierre.

If Wayne LaPierre wants to take down the entire organization with him just because his colleagues exposed the fact that he's been self-dealing, I encourage him to keep going!

Wouldn't it be remarkable if what ultimately brings down the NRA is not mass-shootings, but LaPierre's corrupt spending habits?

Maybe there was no other way for this to end. Maybe an organization funded by blood money can only end bloody.