
The Preview State

Written by SK Ashby

(Cartoonist - Robert Unell)

In other news, FBI investigators reportedly believe Russian hackers may have planted a fake new story at Qatar's state news agency that contributed to the current diplomatic crisis. They've had plenty of practice with this tactic.

Meanwhile, current and former Pentagon officials who spoke to The Daily Beast say Michael Flynn is responsible for those rumors from a couple months ago about American and Russian military forces working together. Flynn allegedly tried to actually do that but his plan was vetoed by the Pentagon.

Finally, these are the exact words that were removed from Trump's NATO speech either by Trump himself or possibly Steve Bannon.

“We face many threats, but I stand here before you with a clear message: the U.S. commitment to the NATO alliance and to Article 5 is unwavering.”

I'm genuinely curious who is leaking this because there can't be that many people in a position to know.

Now, here's the greatest thing I've ever seen:

When he pulled out the drawing of a ladder, I nearly died.