
“There’s no proof of anything”

Written by SK Ashby

Trump whipped the right wing and portions of the media into a frenzy over the past week by claiming "Middle Eastern" terrorists may have infiltrated a caravan of refugees slowly walking from Central America to our southern border with Mexico -- a voyage that could take up to two months -- but there's no proof of that.

We already knew there was no proof of that, but you don't have to take it from us.

Trump himself says there's no proof.

But when the reporter questioned Trump on whether he has proof that Middle Easterners are in the caravan right now, the president replied, “Well, they could very well be.”

When the reporter pressed on proof once again, Trump said, “There's no proof of anything. There's no proof of anything. But they could very well be.”

I would say most of the non-right wing print media has learned their lesson and has stopped devoting all of their attention to each shiny thing Trump farts out of his mouth, but unfortunately our cable and broadcast news media still devotes a significant amount of time to Trump's bullshit.

Trump knows that. That's why he says this shit. He told them to look at the caravan and they did.