Election 2016 Immigration

Trump Testified Under Oath That Immigrants Are Rapists

Written by SK Ashby

As you may recall, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump filed lawsuits against two celebrity chefs who backed out of Trump properties after he said Mexican immigrants are mostly criminals and rapists.

Trump was forced to appear in court last month where stated under oath that he did not consider the consequences of what he said and reiterated that he really believes it.

“Did you give any thoughts to the effect that your statement relative to Mexicans and immigrants would have on tenants in your current or future projects?” Zakarian lawyer Deborah Baum asked. “No. No, I didn’t. I didn’t at all,” Trump said. [...]

“I think the media is very dishonest. But all I’m doing is bringing up a situation which is very real, about illegal immigration. And I think, you know, most people think I’m right,” the real estate mogul said as dozens of protesters chanted and marched outside the D.C. law firm where the deposition was held.

He thinks the media is "very dishonest" except he also meant every word of it.

Court documents reveal that chef Geoffrey Zakarian personally contacted the GOP nominee and asked him to retract his comments on immigrants, but he was rebuffed by Trump. Documents also reveal that Trump's daughter Ivanka is just as much of a ruthless vulture as her father is.

Suffice to say if Trump does not win in November we may find him living in Russia next year. No one in America will want to do business with him. Reports indicate that American banks have refused to do business with Trump for some time and Trump increasingly relies on foreign financing.

That may be why Trump puts his own interests and the interests of Russia ahead of our own. Seeking the presidency is a get-rich-quick scheme for Trump.

To what extent is his entire brand on the verge of collapse?