Super Stupid

Trump’s Big Advice for Theresa May

Written by SK Ashby

Speaking to Britain's Sun newspaper last week, Trump lashed out at Prime Minister Theresa May and said she didn't follow his advice on how to properly withdraw from the European Union in a "Brexit."

So, what was Trump's big advice? Did he actually tell her anything?

He did, according to Prime Minster May herself. She says he told her to file a lawsuit against the European Union.

The prime minister was asked on the BBC’s The Andrew Marr Show what the “brutal” Brexit negotiating advice was that Trump had talked about in their joint press conference outside the prime minister’s Chequers country retreat.

Revealing it for the first time, May said: “He told me I should sue the EU.” After being prompted by a surprised Marr, May repeated: “Sue the EU, not go into negotiations with them, sue them.

The prime minister smiled, and indicated she had disregarded the advice, saying “actually we’re going into negotiations with them”, in remarks that will be interpreted as a put-down of the president.

Sue them.

For what reason? To achieve what goal? And where would you file it? Who the hell knows?

Trump himself does not follow through on most of his threats to file lawsuits.