
Trump’s School Safety Commission Concludes We Need More Racism

Written by SK Ashby

A commission on school safety was created after the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida early this year with a goal of producing a set of recommendations for improving school safety.

The commission has not made any recommendations for gun control at the federal level, but the commission did apparently conclude that the school-to-prison pipeline should be preserved and strengthened rather than reined in as the Obama administration intended.

The commission's report calls for reversing Obama-era guidance on civil rights for minority students.

The Federal Commission on School Safety said that it was "deeply troubled" by the Obama administration's 2014 guidance, which warned schools that they could be violating federal law if their discipline policies targeted minority students at higher rates.

"Maintaining order in schools is a key to keeping schools safe," the report said, adding that the previous guidance "undercut the ability of local officials to address the impact of disciplinary matters on school safety." [...]

“The report makes no recommendations to address the common denominator in school tragedies — easy access to assault-style firearms designed for the battlefield," said Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., the incoming chair of the House Education and Labor Committee. "Rather than confronting the role of guns in gun violence, the Trump administration blames school shootings on civil rights enforcement."

I had always assumed the school safety commission would release a vapid and toothless report.

This is not that. This is much worse.

The White House is reportedly considering following the recommendation of the commission to roll back the Obama-era guidance. That's their big solution for school shootings; their solution is to further entrench the school-to-prison pipeline and declare open season on minority students who are almost never the shooters.

The worst school shootings of the past 20 years from Columbine to Sandy Hook and Stomeman Douglas have all been perpetrated by young, radicalized white boys.

Obama-era guidance on disproportionate discipline for minority students doesn't even apply to the group of kids primarily responsible for school shootings and rolling it back will do nothing to make schools safer.

I'm rarely surprised by the Trump regime in 2018, but I have to admit this caught me off guard because it's not necessarily the angle I saw them taking. But I don't think like a Klansman.