North Korea

Unintentionally Funny North Korea Propaganda Video of the Day

It’s shaping up to be a video day, I think. Here’s the latest propaganda video from North Korea showing off the nation’s massive fleet of attack dogs (looks like around 20 of them). Note the miraculous flying dogs at around 2:00.

Also notice at 1:00 where the officer is gesturing towards his men while holding a loaded pistol — with his finger on the trigger. Smart.

I don’t mean to sound bellicose, but clearly they don’t have any clue what will happen to them when and if they attack South Korea and the United States. This doesn’t mean I’m endorsing war or the American penchant for it, I’m just saying that if they do, the retaliatory strike will be harrowing and they won’t know what hit them — them and their scary army of 20 flying dogs.