
Weekly Standard Attacks Glenn Beck

A writer from the very conservative Weekly Standard is attacking Glenn Beck:

...progressivism is a distinctly American tradition that partly came into being as a way to prevent ideologies like communism and fascism from taking root in the United States. And not even the stupidest American liberal shares the morality of the totalitarian monsters whom Beck analogizes to American politics so flippantly. [...]

Beck says his novel is not fiction but “faction”—“completely fictional books with plots rooted in fact.” Which “facts” are those?

For Beck, conspiracy theories are not aberrations. They are central to his worldview. They are the natural consequence of assuming that the world hangs by a thread, and that everyone is out to get you.

Of course the Weekly Standard is just plotting against Glenn Beck. Just like everyone else. Don't they see what's going on? Is Glenn Beck the only who sees it? It's happening now! It! Is happening! He fears for it!

Via Simon Maloy