LGBT Sports

What Would Your Mother Say?


It’s obvious that this is little more than a publicity stunt aimed at enticing someone to hire Jack Burkman for something — anything — but I believe this is actually an argument not to hire him.

Washington lobbyist Jack Burkman on Monday said he is preparing legislation that would ban gay athletes from joining the National Football League. [...]

”We are losing our decency as a nation,” Burkman said in a statement. “Imagine your son being forced to shower with a gay man. That’s a horrifying prospect for every mom in the country. What in the world has this nation come to?”

What would mothers think about their grown-ass adult sons showering in an NFL locker room?

I would hope they aren’t thinking about that at all. I think we can officially draw the line at Chunky Soup.

Furthermore, who cares?

With arguments as ironclad as this, perhaps we should encourage wingnut think tanks to hire Mister Burkman.