
9/11 O/IL


What do all of these events have in common:

An icon of American financial supremacy brought down in a dazzling daylight display of blowback.

A global economy brought to its knees by the results of years of unethical and amoral behavior

A rich coastal region steadily euthanized by corruption and inaction.

They are all indications that, gradually, the light in liberty's torch is dimming. This nation's promise of being a beacon of Democracy is being snuffed out by a relative handful of sociopaths who operate under cover of crypto-fascisto-capitalism, short-selling and short-sheeting America, mortgaging every available hunk of cultural real estate it can find. The pyramid upon which the all-seeing eye is perched is now a pyramid scheme.

There is something unsavory lately about such spectacles, another in a strangely familiar pattern of catastrophic circumstances. And thanks to the internet and decades of supportable neurosis, they sooner or later reveal to contain much more than what is on the surface.

So, given the introductory examples, let us use our experience in these matters to postulate what might actually be happening.

So, with America's attention focused on the spill and its attendant soap opera dramatics, let's ask the question: who's making money here? Why the glaring inaction all around? Why the genuflection to BP? We know that Halliburton is once again playing its part. And surely, there is a Saudi connection? Middle east middle men? Russia? Pakistan?

Sometimes, as Rand (Ru) Paul said "accidents happen." But given the labyrinthine landscape of politics and business and the now ineluctably corrupt system it has become, along with the like-minded analysts who calculate risk and reward down to the atomic level of probability, are there really anymore "accidents"?

Just a random thought in a world where random thoughts seem to have no place.