
A Cynical Ploy

Republican budget-wizard Paul Ryan sat down for an interview with Christiane Amanpour today, and when the topic of the recently heated town halls came up, Ryan deflected blame away from his atrocious budget-proposal and onto Democrats for spreading "misinformation."

The misinformation, he says, is telling "current seniors" that they should be afraid.

"The crowds are really getting bigger and people are getting much more anxious about where the country is headed," Ryan told ABC's Christiane Amanpour in an interview that aired Sunday.

"This is the sign of the times, I think. I think it's sign of anxiety of the times and sign of misinformation perpetrated out there."

"What do you mean, misinformation?" Amanpour asked.

"There are TV, radio and phone calls running, trying to scare seniors. The Democratic National Committee is running phone calls to seniors in my district, TV ads, saying we're hurting current seniors, which in fact that's not the case," Ryan explained.

This is the heart of the Republican's latest cynical policy ploy -- an attempt to placate "current seniors" while screwing future generations of seniors.

The Republicans are counting on... No, they're depending on current seniors being content with screwing over future generations to protect themselves. They're depending on current seniors taking a stance of "I got mine, screw everyone else."

I don't think it gets any more cynical than that and it reflects the unflattering opinion that Republicans have of their own constituents.