
A Tea Bagger Responds

One of the official tea bagger blogs (the one that inaugurates the Coward Rick Santelli as the Chief Tea Bagger) responded to my Huffington Post column. He or she suggests:

[The Democratic Party] is making a hash of the economy big-time.

Absolutely. Squandering the budget surplus on a $1 trillion tax cut for the wealthiest one percent and a $1 trillion-plus occupation of Iraq and a doubling of the national debt was a huge mistake.

Oh wait.

[The Democratic Party] appears to be in desperate need of some new ideas.

You mean, new ideas like emulating the Boston Tea Party? From 236 years ago?

Oh tea baggers, you make it too easy.

Tell me again how populism is awesome when it's Rick Santelli, but awful and McCarthy-ish when it's Congressman Frank. Tell me again how the congressional Democrats are McCarthyites while simultaneously accusing the president and liberals of being communists, socialists and Marxists. Tell me again about how you're against helping families to keep their homes while simultaneously supporting AIG's $165 million bonuses. Tell me again how the largest middle class tax cut in American history was an atrocity, but the Bush tax cuts for the super rich should never be allowed to expire.