
About Texas…

Some interesting facts about Obama's rising status in Texas, via Kos diarist kubla000:

State Rep. Pete Gallego, chairman of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus, has announced he is endorsing Barack Obama for president.

In the California primary on Super Tuesday, Latino voters broke 2 to 1 for Clinton. Gallego said he saw no reason why, as voters get to know Obama better, that ratio would not shrink in Texas.

“Obama’s life story and his values are so much closer to the Latino community than any candidate other than Bill Richardson,” Gallego said.

“Part of what drives me is his life story. It’s a fascinating life story. It’s more than just the issues, it’s his values. I think Hispanics and South Texas should really be able to relate to him.”

Oh, and also:

The San Antonio Express Endorsed Obama

The Dallas Morning News Endorsed Obama