Epic Fail

About That Budget Crisis

We knew the excuses for killing collective bargaining in Wisconsin, such as claiming the state was "broke" and that the state was facing a major budget crisis, were a load of bologna, but this is simply ridiculous

Wisconsin says it'll get $636 million more in tax revenue than expected because it's getting better at collecting.

The Republican co-chairs of the Joint Finance Committee said the $636 million windfall makes no difference in Governor Walker's call to strip public employees of their bargaining rights. "[State Senator Alberta] Darling said those changes help local governments deal with cuts in state aid and change some cost drivers down the road," the indispensable Wispolitics reports. Republicans also say they can use the money to avoid some budget cuts -- and to cut some taxes.

You'll remember that when Governor Walker proposed the budget repair bill, the deficit was $137 million. Mr. Walker hailed today's news as "the latest sign that the economy is improving."

We need to end collective bargaining rights to close a budget shortfall of $137 million dollars! And -- by the way -- here's $636 million dollars that we just "found."

For those doing the math, that leaves the state of Wisconsin with a budget surplus of $499 million dollars.

So much for that "budget crisis."