The Daily Banter

All New Daily Banter Mail Bag

It's going to be a light blogging Saturday, so here's some hefty reading in its place. This week's big stinking pile of mail answered by me, Chez and Ben. The Qs:

1. Greece is about to default on its debt, Spain has 25% unemployment, Britain is in recession, France has had no growth. The common thread? All of them followed austerity measures and all of them are in deep s#*t. Why on earth would any politician in the US want to attach himself to austerity policies given what's going on over there? How is it possible for people like Romney, Gingrich, Graham, ron Paul etc etc to keep banging on about deficits and cutting spending??? What the hell is going on???


2. This is mostly directed at Chez. Your piece on double standards in racism was very interesting and I kinda agree. I think the 'White guilt' thing in the media is taken to an extreme. I don't like Fox, but sometimes they have it right. Sometimes there is racism against white people and it needs to be called out. I don't think this is a racist view, but the liberal media seems to act like it is.


3. What is the point of Wolf Blitzer? Can anyone explain his existence to me?


Go here to read our As to the above Qs.