Epic Fail

Any Other Questions?

Let the squirming begin.

Tim Pawlenty, presidential hopeful and author of "The Courage to Stand' didn't even pretend that he wasn't trying to dodge a question from a reporter about the now-approved Paul Ryan Path to Poverty.

Wonk Room’s Igor Volsky: ”Do you support the Medicare cuts in [Ryan’s] plan that he keeps from Obamacare?"

Pawlenty: “Anybody else have a question besides this guy?”

The reason Igor Volsky is asking that question is because tangible savings already signed into law under the Affordable Care Act are actually included in Paul Ryan's bill. And as Ezra Klein points out, it doesn't make any sense for the Republicans to claim those savings aren't real under "Obamacare" and then turn around and say that they are real under the Path to Poverty.

Who will be the first host to ask the Republican presidential hopefuls if they support privatizing Medicare and converting it into a glorified coupon system during the primary debates?