Author - JumpyPants

The Media


Dennis Hopper has to stop telling me that I "need a plan." The Hopper Ameriprise commercial has been running on cable for more than a year now, and the nagging aside, I can't imagine why they'd...

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Job Losses by President

Another awesome graph to debunk MSNBC and the far-right cable news idiots who are spreading this "Obama Recession" and "Obama Bear Market" nonsense. This one shows relative "presidential blame" for...

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Doof Quote of the Day

“I voted to take all earmarks out, but I will come back in the new process and put [Graham's $950,000 earmark] back in. I think I should have the ability as a United States senator to direct money...

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Worst Persons in the World

The Catholic Church. The Church excommunicated the mother of a 9-year-old girl after the girl had an abortion -- for medical reasons. Doctors agreed that the young girl wouldn't survive the pregnancy...

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The Media

That MSNBC Dow Graphic

Media Matters posted that extraordinarily dishonest MSNBC Dow graphic which tries to make it seem as though the Dow has tanked only since Election Day. Hey look! Barack Obama has destroyed the stock...

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Quote of the Day

"Just one thing I was thinking about as I was getting on the copter. It was hard for me to believe that you were entirely serious about that socialist question." —President Obama in response to the...

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Going Galt

This new Malkin protest could actually be more ridiculous than the tea party revolution. (Don't forget to get a permit for your revolution, wingnuts.) She's rallying people to "go Galt," referring to...

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Sorry, Rich People

Allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire will increase the tax burden of a $250,000 household by a whopping $410 a day. The horror! I can see it now. Rich people existing like mole people in shacks made...

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The Media


Stop showing that chart documenting the DJIA from election day through today. For the last 24 hours I've seen the same graphic used on Morning Joe, Hardball and this morning with Alex Witt. It's...

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