
Babies in Trash Cans

Posted by JM Ashby

Joining us tonight in the WTF File is -again- Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) who seems to have some sort of fanatical fetish for the subject of unwanted pregnancies and abortion. The man just can't stop himself from blurting out the most ridiculous things that come to mind in his efforts to fearmonger over abortion, unwanted pregnancies, and non-traditional families.

Here was Steve King just this past week on the subject of abortion:

I often go into a high school auditorium or meet with people at even the K-through-12 level in their entirety, and I will tell them: "You will be asked to answer one of the most profound moral questions of our age and that is where do you stand on the abortion issue. And you need to only ask and answer two questions. The first question is do you believe that human life is sacred in all of its forms. Is the person sitting to your left and to your right and everyone in this room, is their life sacred?" And they'll nod their heads.

Now we have Steve King today debating Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) over the notion that some -who exactly?- people go their entire lives without healthcare and that because this is possible, healthcare should not be mandated:

"You find the baby that was not born in a hospital or with a midwife who did not receive inoculations," Polis countered. "You find that baby and identify them and I'll be happy to have that discussion."

At that point, King seemed to reach for the most extreme example he could find.

"I hate to tell you, but they show up in garbage cans around this country, sir," King said.

Wait, is King subconsciously advocating for more widespread teaching of sex education, free condoms, and readily accessible contraceptives? Somehow I doubt that was his aim. Life is only sacred until you exit the womb. From that moment forward, you're on your own America.