
Best Damn Healthcare Ever!

The American healthcare system: great system or the greatest system?

[Dawn] Smith, a premiums-paying customer of CIGNA, was diagnosed with a type of brain tumor in 2005, then another one in 2007. Although CIGNA covered her brain biospy and some medication payments, she has battled with the insurer for years because of multiple denials of payment for the specialized care she needs to cure the tumors. After paying out-of-pocket for care in one instance, CIGNA nearly doubled her premiums anyway. In early October, a CIGNA representative told her that the co-pay on her anti-epileptic medicine was being hiked by more than $3,000 a year.

Why does Dawn Smith's brain tumor hate America and its greatest healthcare system?

If the airlines were randomly dropping passengers out of airplanes at 30,000 feet, the airlines would be investigated, shut down or nationalized.