Big Republican Government

Big Republican Government

I think we can all agree that lobbying in general is a problem and that lobbyists sleeping with lawmakers may also be a problem in some cases, but this is going way too far for me.

Missouri state Representative Bart Korman (R) has introduced a bill that would force lobbyists to officially disclose their sexual relationships with lawmakers -- and even the lawmakers' staff -- which would be categorized as "gifts."

For purposes of subdivision (2) of this subsection, the term "gift" shall include sexual relations between a registered lobbyist and a member of the general assembly or his or her staff. Relations between married persons or between persons who entered into a relationship prior to the registration of the lobbyist, the election of the member to the general assembly, or the employment of the staff person shall not be reportable under this subdivision. The reporting of sexual relations for purposes of this subdivision shall not require a dollar valuation.

While a lobbyist sleeping with a legislator may be unethical depending on the exact nature of their official responsibilities, I'm not comfortable with the idea of government forcing people to formally publish their sex lives.

Moreover, forcing a lobbyist to count sex as a "gift" in official disclosure forms seems to me like forcing lobbyists to register as prostitutes. That may be an apt description of their job, but it also may not be. It's not for the government to say.

If state lawmakers are so concerned about ethical lapses within their ranks, they should take action against their fellow lawmakers, not lobbyists. Lawmakers are responsible for their own actions just as lobbyists are responsible for theirs.