
Bill Passing Fever! Catch it!

Good news from Senator Harkin:

Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Chairman Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) said a reconciliation package is under development by staff — apparently despite the opposition of moderate Senate Democrats....

Harkin said Democratic leaders have reassessed the prospects for a health care bill and are getting ready to resume the effort.

“It just rested for about a week. But it’s not dead,” Harkin said Thursday, adding that he hopes to see the outlines of a bill before the Senate adjourns for the Presidents Day recess on Feb. 12 and to approve a final package soon after the chamber reconvenes later this month....

If this happens, and it happens soon, it'll be a significant fake-out against the press and the Republicans who, by-in-large, think healthcare reform is dead. But for the Senate to suddenly pop up and say, "We have a bill!" would be outstanding.

The big caveat in all of this is Republican obstructionism. There's a theory floating around that the GOP Senators will stall and delay reconciliation with a bottomless cup of amendments, which reconciliation allows.

Do you believe in miracles? I'm beginning to.