
Birtherism Still Won’t Die

Among other things, North Carolina will be deciding tomorrow who will be the Republican nominee for the 9th congressional district, and while one of the candidates running for the nomination has already revealed himself to be a Birther, one of his opponents has now joined him.

ThinkProgress has previously noted that Richard Hudson, running for a congressional seat in the state’s 8th district, said Obama is “hiding something on his citizenship,” while the Charlotte Observer rescinded its endorsement of Jim Pendergraph, running in the 9th district, after he expressed his own doubts about Obama’s birth certificate.

Now, the Observer reports that Dr. John Whitley, one of Hudson’s opponents in tomorrow’s GOP primary, has also gone birther. He declared Obama’s birth certificate a “poorly reproduced forgery” after comparing it to the Hawaiian birth certificate of one of his campaign workers. “There is a tremendous amount of smoke here,” Whitley said. “In fact, it’s called a smoke screen.”

If President Obama's birth certificate is such a "poorly reproduced forgery," how did he manage to fool the Governor of Hawaii, countless state attorneys general, Donald Trump's secret investigators, and the McCain campaign?

I imagine decades from now a certain segment of America will still be discussing President Obama's birth certificate the same way some still discuss the moon landing as if it was shot on a sound-stage.