Democratic Party

New Hampshire Observations


Well that's it for tonight. Congratulations to the Clinton campaign. Seriously.

Something from Election Day 2004 applies to New Hampshire 2008: no matter what the polls say, the vote is the final word. For better or worse.

Also, 11:27PM... Olbermann talking with Howard Wolfson... Off camera, the weirdest sound ever. It sounded like Matthews choking on a pork chop bone.



Senator Clinton talking now. President Clinton and Chelsea on stage with her. And there it is... "comeback." First paragraph. I mean, all due respect, but how does one "come back" when they have President Clinton all over New Hampshire attacking Senator Obama? The expectation, therefore, should be the largest margin possible -- not a 3 percent squeaker.

Back to the talking. "Predatory student loan companies," she says randomly. Since when has this been a campaign issue? Senator Clinton trying to grab up some of Senator Obama's college support there.



The big theme: "YES WE CAN!" Senator Obama brings the roof down again. There is still a 3 percent margin and, I repeat, Senator Obama attained this margin even though a very popular ex-president attacked him every day of the last five. All of that said, hats off to Senator Clinton for this one.



Terry McCauliffe, Clinton's campaign chairman, is on MSNBC right now. Yep. The same old crew from four/eight/twelve/sixteen years ago. I wonder if Senator Clinton will accidentally declare victory over Tom Harkin.



I can't wait for "comeback kid" over and over and over and over. Even though it's entirely not true.


Still 39. 36 -- 5,092 vote difference. NBC calls it for Senator Clinton.

Based on the warp drive humming sound, FOX News is broadcasting from 10-Forward on the Enterprise-D.


Clinton 39
Obama 36

John Edwards is about to make with the talking. I was thinking... Edwards would be a most-excellent attorney general.


Clinton 39
Obama 37

I'm sick of the cable news people right now. So suck on this, Scarborough: Senator Obama is neck-and-neck with the former First Lady Hillary Clinton, and former President of the United States Bill Clinton who has attacked Senator Obama every day since Iowa. Yet... Senator Obama, who doesn't have an ex-president in his corner, is successfully overcoming huge odds here.


Clinton 39
Obama 36/37 (they keep changing it)

I wonder how Senator Clinton's Cheneytastic! Brand fearmongering played with NH voters.


Clinton 39% - 37,000-ish
Obama 36% - 34,000-ish

Senator McCain is talking right now. Every time I see Senator McCain I wonder how he doesn't seeth with anger knowing how the Bush people have screwed him and used him for eight years now. From the SC whisper campaign to the signing statement which nullified the McCain Amendment.