Democratic Party

President Clinton's Remarks

I disagree with JumpyPants (below) on President Clinton's "two people who loved this country" statement. I don't think the point of the remarks had to do with specific candidates. I think he was honestly trying to say that he hopes the general election battle will be waged on substance -- and not loaded with smear- and fear mongering. After all, there will only be two people "who loved this country" in the general election. Now certainly President Clinton supports his wife for president, but I think he was talking in generalities in this case.

That said, after the kind of smear-and-fear campaign the Clintons have run, the negative reaction to the former president's remarks is totally understandable.

UPDATE: I stand corrected. JumpyPants has directed me to this video (forward to about the 5-minute mark). With this further evidence, it's clear that President Clinton was attempting to give us a variation of Senator Clinton's awful, awful "my experience; McCain's experience; Obama's speech" statements. And President Clinton totally mangled it. So it's clear that President Clinton was praising Senator McCain's experience and record over Senator Obama's record. Terrible and shameful.