Senator Barack Obama

Attacking Obama… From The Left

There are some on "our" side who suddenly think it's a good idea to rip into Senator Obama.

A liberal radio talk show host who is well-known for being a little unhinged was ripping the Senator last night for the Muslim scarf thing (it's a non-issue!). Today, a liberal blogger who I very much admire has decided to drag the Senator into the telecom immunity debacle. Another prominent liberal blogger had a field day with the recent Naomi Klein piece and used it to suggest that Senator Obama wasn't the transformative figure he claims to be.

Two of the Sirius Left (the "liberal" talk channel) hosts have decided that they hate Senator Obama and will oppose him at every turn. One of them, Lynn Samuels, says that the Senator is "our Bush." Alex Bennett is grateful for his dissatisfaction with Senator Obama because it'll give him something to bitch about for the next four years. He seriously said that. Yeah, Alex. The far-right talk show hosts haven't had anything to talk about for the last eight years. Real smart, Alex.

And we wonder sometimes why -- despite all of the current economic and political conditions -- Senator Obama is only running a few points ahead of Senator McCain. These cranks aren't the only reason, but they're not helping matters either. I understand that we liberals are supposed to be compassionate, but helping Senator McCain by damning our candidate with faint praise -- or, in some cases, sheer outrage -- is going a little too far, no?