Republican Party Wingnuts

Rand Paul’s Fantastic Ride Includes Introducing ‘Right To Life’ Bill

Not content with wooing the Senate chamber with a 12 hour filibuster of  The Civil Rights Act President Obama’s national security policy, recently– Rand Paul, who is now beloved by adoring partisans everywhere who stood with Rand! by Standing With Rand!– and who are still standing neck-deep in a pile of sold out priorities– has been busily shaping the course of America’s drone policy by introducing S. 583:

A bill to implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendment to the constitution for the right to life of each born and preborn human person.

Doing the consistent, arduous work of leading the country to a world where Obama’s drone policy on fetuses can once and for all be constitutionally-enshrined as “Worse-Than-Or-Equal-To-Bush-And-Hitler” is all part of progress.

Incidentally, Rand Paul is using the 14th amendment to fight both drone policy and achieving the implementation of ‘Right To Life’ legislation. The 14th amendment is so versatile!

He’s on top of the bi-partisan world, and to make sure it is Rand Paul’s world, and not Mitt Romney’s again, CPAC organizers encouraged attendees to commit voter fraud if they had to, encouraging them to “vote early and vote often”(The emcee of the event is from Chicago, evidently, and wingnuts still believe then Mayor Richard J. Daley stole the election of 1960 for Kennedy even though Kennedy/Johnson won Texas, but okay.)with said douche saying outright, that “if you really really like a candidate, just plug in a bunch of numbers and vote again.”


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They can’t even hold an honest election among themselves! It’s just a conch shell!

But with “winning” so many partisan hearts and minds, left and right, Rand Paul knows that with great power comes great responsibility to make abortion a capital crime.