
'Blood on Their Hands'

The Tides Foundation is fighting back against Glenn Beck.

In an extraordinary move to nip the inflammatory commentary coming from Glenn Beck, the founder and CEO of the Tides Foundation (a frequent Beck target) has written advertisers asking them to remove their sponsorship of the Fox News program or risk having "blood on their hands."

Drummond Pike, who along with his organization was recently targeted by an assassin inspired by Beck's program, penned a letter on Friday to the Chairmen of the Boards of JP Morgan Chase, GEICO, Zurich Financial, Chrysler, Direct Holdings Americas, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Lilly Corporate Center, BP, and The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.

Of course this is the only thing they really can do. There's no sense of responsibility at Fox News or at Mercury Arts (or whatever Beck is calling his circus these days) and so Beck will continue to target this heretofore unknown organization despite the fact that blood has already been shed in the name of Beck's phony-baloney scam.