
But Both Parties Are the Same, Right?

When Democrats run things, they tend to go after corporations, polluters, wealthy white collar criminals, etc.

When Republicans run things, they tend to go after history text books, brown people, poor people, gay people, the working class and, yes, scientists and teachers.

No one can accuse Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli of shying from controversy. In his first four months in office, Cuccinelli directed public universities to remove sexual orientation from their anti-discrimination policies, attacked the Environmental Protection Agency, and filed a lawsuit challenging federal health care reform. Now, it appears, he may be preparing a legal assault on an embattled proponent of global warming theory who used to teach at the University of Virginia, Michael Mann.

The Democrats aren't perfect or saintly, but the next hipster who tells me "both parties are the same" is gonna get a wollup right in the kisser. Verbally, of course.