Abortion War On Women

Cantor Schedules Anti-Abortion Vote, Shows “Deceptive Democrats” Who’s Boss

Looking to put another feather in their War on Women hat, House Republicans will vote next week on the No Taxpayer Funds for Abortion Act.

“I am also proud to announce that next week, the House will vote once and for all to end taxpayer funding for abortions,” Cantor told the March for Life rally in Washington [yesterday]. [...]

“The No Taxpayer Funds for Abortion Act, written by our good friend and colleague Chris Smith [R-N.J.], will respect the morals and consciences of millions of Americans — and ultimately will save lives.”

Of course that depends on what your morals are.

As we covered earlier this week, the No Taxpayer Funds for Abortion Act would, among other things, require that the IRS audit rape victims to make sure they were raped. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) also claimed that this bill is actually a secret job creation bill because, you know, people will hire more nannies that they can’t afford.

At their annual policy retreat Republicans pledged to fight back against the “deceptive Democratic ‘War on Women’ rhetoric.”

RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee condemns the Democrats’ deceptive “war on women” rhetoric

RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee will support Republican pro-life candidates who fight back against Democratic deceptive “war on women” rhetoric by pointing out the extreme positions on abortion held by Democratic opponents

Apparently the first action they will take to show just how deceptive Democrats really are is to vote for auditing rape victims.

You can’t make this shit up.
