The Media

CBS fires four. FNC still yellow.

CBS News fired four senior news executives as the result of the September 8, 2004 Bush National Guard memo story on "60 Minutes II". The investigatory panel issued the following recommendations:

Appoint a senior Standards and Practices Executive, reporting directly to the President of CBS News, who would review all investigative reporting, use of confidential sources and authentication of documents. Personnel should feel comfortable going to this person confidentially and without fear of reprisal, with questions or concerns about particular reports.

Foster an atmosphere in which competitive pressure is not allowed to prompt airing of reports before all investigation and vetting is done.

Allow senior management to know the names of confidential sources as well as all relevant background about the person needed to make news judgments.

Appoint a separate team, led by someone not involved in the original reporting, to look into any news report that is challenged.

The notion that this isn't happening in the first place at ALL NEWS OUTLETS is wholly indicative of the problem with the news media. Meanwhile, FNC continues to be a panacea for right-wing bias and yellow journalism. Without reprisal. Without investigation. A proven liar in their highest rated timeslot. And with nothing close to a strenuous vetting process.