Sarah Palin

Charlie Gibson

Remember the Democratic debate in Philadelphia hosted by George Stephanopoulos and Charlie Gibson? It's the one in which Charlie and George didn't ask a serious or substantive question for the first 52 minutes of the forum, and instead went after Senator Obama over lapel pins, Ayers and Reverend Wright. At the time, I wrote:

And the very serious moderators of last night's Democratic debate couldn't have been less serious if they had been wearing clown suits made of dildos while simultaneously tickling each other with monkeys.

Here's one of the more substantive questions from Gibson:

MR. GIBSON: And Senator Obama, I want to do one more question, which goes to the basic issue of electability. And it is a question raised by a voter in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, a woman by the name of Nash McCabe. Take a look.

NASH MCCABE (Latrobe, Pennsylvania): (From videotape.) Senator Obama, I have a question, and I want to know if you believe in the American flag. I am not questioning your patriotism, but all our servicemen, policemen and EMS wear the flag. I want to know why you don't.

MR. GIBSON: Just to add to that, I noticed you put one on yesterday. But -- you've talked about this before, but it comes up again and again when we talk to voters. And as you may know, it is all over the Internet.

So it comes as no surprise that Governor Palin's first television interview later this week is with... Charlie Gibson.