
Clarity On Social Security

Posted by JM Ashby

I would like to thank the administration for finally stating what we all know to be true anyway.

[...]deputy director of the President Barack Obama's National Economic Council, insisted that talk of Social Security reform "is not one you care about" if "you are worried about our long-run fiscal future."

"The reason you care about it is because you want to strengthen Social Security," Furman added in a speech at the progressive nonprofit group NDN. "It is such a critical part of our social insurance, the bedrock of retirement security for senior citizens, one of the leading anti-poverty programs for children, critical support for people with disabilities. And for all those reasons and the fact that its solvency ... is another 26 years, till 2037, the real motivation is strengthening the program."[...]

"Strengthening Social Security is an important, but parallel, issue that needs to be addressed as quickly as possible," Lew wrote. "But let's not confuse it as either the cause of or a solution to our short-term fiscal problems."

The idea that Social Security is in any way a part of the deficit or national debt is perhaps one of the most blatantly dishonest talking points in recent memory. Thank you for stating the unequivocal truth which is not so obvious to an unfortunately large, and unfortunately mislead, portion of the country.