
Condoms To Myanmar

The UN is including condoms in their humanitarian support to cyclone-ravaged Myanmar. And of course wingnuts like Malkin think this is just awful.

It’s at once so clueless and out-of-touch to be darkly comical (Hey, you know these people rebuilding their lives amid the bloated corpses and amoebic dysentery and famine really need? Some condoms!) while at the same time being sinister and malevolent, and redolent of Margaret Sanger’s eugenics movement.

Everything comes down to "eugenics" for the far-right. They're using this eugenics (and hence "Nazi") frame against evolution as well.

What she doesn't understand is that overpopulation is probably at the root of all of the world's problems. Too. Many. People. Especially in the third world. Condom distribution helps to keep overpopulation in check -- say nothing of HIV/AIDS.