Guns NSA

Conspiracy Theory

The Far Left and the NRA have found themselves on the same side of a major issue.

The National Rifle Association is throwing its weight behind an ACLU lawsuit because they believe NSA surveillance could lead to a national gun registry.

In a brief filed in federal court, the NRA argues that the National Security Agency’s database of phone records amounts to a “national gun registry.”

“It would be absurd to think that the Congress would adopt and maintain a web of statutes intended to protect against the creation of a national gun registry, while simultaneously authorizing the FBI and the NSA to gather records that could effectively create just such a registry,” the group writes. [...]

In its filing, the gun-rights group claims that the NSA’s database would allow the government to identify and track gun owners based on whether they’ve called gun stores, shooting ranges or the NRA.

The Far Left believes the NSA is reading your sexts, following your footsteps to Starbucks, and ogling your Cronut pics on Instagram. The NRA believes the NSA is listening to your calls to the local gun club and tracing your steps to the BFE shooting range.

I suppose they have some common ground, although the NRA’s position on drones is dubious so this is one Bromance that may be short-lived.