Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theory

Written by SK Ashby

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was a nearly 80-year old man who died of natural causes according to local authorities and news reports but, according to Donald Trump and hate radio host Michael Savage, he might have been assassinated.

Trump appeared on Savage's ghastly program yesterday where the two talked up the conspiracy angle.

via Media Matters:

SAVAGE: Donald I need to come back to the topic we've been all screaming about here which is Scalia, was he murdered? I know it's pretty brutal to say that and I'm not wanting to drag you into this but this is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger. I went on the air and said we need the equivalent of a Warren Commission, we need an immediate autopsy before the body is disposed of. What do you think of that?

TRUMP: Well I just heard today and that just a little while ago actually -- you know I just landed and I'm hearing it's a big topic -- that's the question. And it's a horrible topic, but they say they found a pillow on his face, which is a pretty unusual place to find a pillow. I can't tell you what -- I can't give you an answer. You know usually I like to give you answers but I literally just heard it a little while ago. It's just starting to come out now, as you know, Michael.

To be fair, Trump and Savage are hardly alone. Conspiracy theory kingpin Alex Jones was on the beat from the beginning and there are other Republicans who've expressed suspicions about Scalia's death. And as they are wont to do, every third internet commenter is convinced Scalia was murdered.

Scalia apparently requested that he be cremated after death and his family does not wish for an autopsy to be performed, but even if an indisputable cause of death is determined, it won't matter. Scalia's assassination has already been added to the conservative conspiracy lexicon along with the killing of Vince Foster and President Obama's birth certificate. No evidence to the contrary will be accepted.