Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theory

Written by SK Ashby

Trump still hasn't produced evidence that he was legally or illegally wiretapped by President Obama but, if he was in fact wiretapped, Kellyanne Conway has a theory about how it could have been done.

CONWAY: There was an article that week that talked about how you can surveil people through their phones, through their — certainly through their television sets, any number of different ways. And microwaves that turn into cameras, et cetera. We know that is just a fact of modern life.

Ah yes, the old microwave camera trick.

Out of all the ways Trump could be "surveiled" by a third party or even a foreign government, his insecure Android phone is actually the most likely pathway. Trump uses an insecure Android phone for rage-tweeting and browsing dubious fake news websites. And unless Trump is using a specific model of smart TV with a built-in microphone running an Android-based operating system, that's out of the cards.

I don't think I need to explain that there's no such thing as secret microwave cameras.

Now Conway says she doesn't believe Trump Tower was monitored through microwaves. "I'm not inspector gadget," she said on CNN later Monday morning. "I don't believe people are using the microwave to spy on the campaign."

Could have fooled me.