
Contractors Say Mexican Labor Brought In For Trump’s Fake Wall

Written by SK Ashby

I can't imagine this will surprise or knock anyone's socks off, but it's still worth documenting for posterity.

Two whistleblowers who worked for contractors hired to build Trump's glorified border fence have sworn in federal court that their former employers brought in Mexican labor to reduce the cost of construction.

According to these two men, Trump's wall contractors even built a red carpet to shuffle armed Mexican security guards across the border each day. They also brought in Mexican workers for repairs.

The whistle-blowers said Ultimate Concrete went so far as to build a dirt road to expedite illegal border crossings to sites in San Diego, using construction vehicles to block security cameras. An unnamed supervisor at the Army Corps of Engineers approved the operation, according to a complaint filed in February and released on Friday. [...]

The allegations came to light as data obtained by The New York Times showed that a border wall that Mr. Trump once advertised as “impenetrable” has continued to prove very penetrable. In fact, it has been repeatedly breached by migrants, requiring repairs that the whistle-blowers say were completed by workers who were not authorized by the government to be on the job.

The whistleblowers also say their former employers have fraudulently billed the government.

The whistle-blowers also said in the complaint that Ultimate Concrete employees had submitted fraudulent invoices to the federal government. One of the whistle-blowers was told by an employee that a member of the company’s leadership, identified in the complaint as U.C. president, was “‘hiding’ the full extent of his profits on the Border Wall project,” in part by submitting false claims for diesel fuel, according to the complaint.

If irony weren't already dead we would have to kill it. I mean, there's several layers to this. They brought armed Mexican nationals into the country to guard a wall that's suppose to keep them out and then hired Mexican nationals to repair the wall when it's breached by Mexican smugglers.

Look, who can say if everything these contractors think they saw is what actually happened? I assume all of it and worse has. It makes perfect sense that a company that's even interested in building Trump's fake wall to begin with would have few if any scruples. The whole enterprise was morally corrupt before any ground was broken. The project was a deal for the devil and white supremacy is as much about grift as it is about racist opinions.

We all knew this is how it would go down, but being right isn't a reward.